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Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month With A Delicious Mexican Dish

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a delicious mexican dish

Is nice that the culture of your country is recognized, as well as the traditions and their contribution to the society of the United States of America. That is why, for 32 years now, from september 15th to october 15th, the Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated.

Why is celebrated and thanks to who?

First, it was celebrated as a week: In 1968 was approved the Public Law 90-468. The president of the United States of America, Lyndon Johnson delivered laid down that, each 15 or 16th of september, it will be celebrated the week of the Hispanic Heritage to recognize the traditions, culture and latin history.

But it was until 1988 where, under the presidency of Ronald Raegan, the week turned into a month of the Hispanic Heritage, so it can be included october 12th: the Columbus Day in the United States of America.

But it wasn’t coincidence that the beginning is on september 15th since this day is commemorated the independence of Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua; that same day, “El Grito” in Mexico and the anniversary of the beginning of the independence’s day is commemorated on september 16th, while the 18th is celebrated Chile’s.

The celebration will be different

Maybe this year, because of COVID-19, the celebrations programmed to commemorate the presence and impact of the hispanic people in the U.S.A cannot be carried out, but the one thing you can do, is enjoy a delicious mexican dish easy to prepare and share.

It feels good that, living in another country, the traditions and the culture of your country (included Latin America), are commemorated for a whole month: Because the latins have made excellent contributions in America and had caused a great impact. That makes you feel like home: Highly estimated.

How about some Capistrano Ideal ham enchiladas?

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a delicious mexican dish

The enchiladas are a typical dish of the mexican food, it doesn’t have ingredients hard to find. Requires:

  • 2 pieces of anchos chilis.
  • 3 tomatoes.
  • 1 garlic clove
  • ¼ piece of onion
  • ¼ liter cream
  • 200 grams of cream cheese
  • ½ kilo (one pound) of Capistrano Ideal Ham.

To prepare, boil the chilis, tomatoes, the clove and the onion. Licuate them with the cream, the cheese cream and salt to taste, then
cook them for 5 minutes over low heat. The tortillas are bathed with the mixture, then place them in a dish and fill the enchiladas with ham.

This recipe is for 5 portions, is a strong dish and is recommended for dinner. But, everyone decides, if they want it for lunch or dinner.

Recipe of Ham Enchiladas


There are 2 things that we never, ever, must forget: Our precious family moments and, in the place we reside, our history is respected and beloved the whole year and commemorated a whole month.

In Capistrano we help you that, every day, you feel more at home: Offering a great variety of products to help you do those delicious dishes with your beloved ones.

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