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Celebrate Christmas With Your Beloved Ones, No Matter The Distance, With A Delicious Ham Recipe

Celebrate christmas with your beloved ones, no matter the distance, with a delicious ham recipe

Never forget the most important thing of this christmas season: Love and peace prevails in our family.

Christmas mexican traditions

Our traditions can’t be missed in the Christmas month:

  • The Posadas: Beautiful start with christmas carols, remembering when Joseph and Mary were on a pillgrimage looking for a room to give birth to Jesus in a safety place, after that, the celebration is accompanied by punch, fritters, break a piñata, snacks and, the most important, beign happy.
  • Pastorela: A theatrical performance when the pastors where headed toward Belén to adore the Child Jesus and, on his way, they encountered many obstacles(devils) that want to prevent them from reaching their intented destination: This is performed in schools and religious communities.
  • Child Jesus’ nativity scene: Is typical place a Child Jesus’ nativity scene and, not only at home, but also in malls and schools.

Celebrate, no matter we are far away

Maybe we wont’ be able to celebrate the Christmas eve with all of our beloved ones as we would love to: Being close to them, with a toast saying ¡Merry Christmas!, give a hug to all of them, open gifts and have dinner, this because several reasons, the current situation included.

Is not the same but, fortunately, we have technology so, at least behind a device, we can celebrate all together and safety.

And what a better way to do it with a ham recipe

In Capistrano we wish you a Merry Christmas delighting your beloved ones , so we bring you next recipe: Roasted ham with pineapple and cherries.

Roasted ham with pineapple and cherries

Roasted ham with pineapple and cherries - Capistrano


  • 1 Capistrano Ham Excelencia of 5 ½ kilograms.
  • 50 grams of whole cloves.
  • 110 grams of cane sugar.
  • 570 gramos of pineapple slices, canned in syrup.
  • 112 grams of maraschino cherries.
  • 1 lemon-lime soda(355 ml)

How to prepare? 

  • Step 1: Preheat the oven to 160°C
  • Step 2: Place the ham in an oven dish. Make some diagonal cuts to create a diamond design on the ham’s surface. Place 1 whole clove in the center of each diamond. Spill the pineapple’s syrup in a bowl and mix it with the sugar and the soda. Spill it over the ham. Place the pineapple’s slices in the outside of the ham. Place a cherry in the center of each slice and secure it with a toothpick.
  • Bake uncovered between 4 or 5 hours, bathing them frequently with their own juice, until the ham’s internal temperature reach he 72°C (160°F). Make sure that the kitchen’s thermometer is not touching the bone. Retire the toothpicks before serving.

Recipe done by:


In Capistrano we wish you a Merry Christmas and our best regards in the last month of the 2020.

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