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Celebrate The Entrance Of Autumn With This Capistrano Dish That Will Taste More Delicious

Celebrate the entrance of autumn with this Capistrano dish that will taste more delicious

Autumn may have a bad reputation, when the cold begins it can be considered one of the saddest seasons, but outside of that we must recognize that it is one of the seasons that we reconcile with warmer food such as creamy soups, stews and especially the desserts.

In this autumn season one of the most popular foods for creating dishes is pumpkin, ham and cheese. Take advantage of these weeks in which you can enjoy them fresh, so do not be afraid to enter your kitchen with all the attitude and discover new flavors.

That is why we would like to share with you one of the recipes that have all these elements that together makes a delicious and autumnal dish, we are talking about a delicious lasagna with Capistrano smoked breast ham and zucchini that you will enjoy even more these autumn days.

a delicious lasagna with Capistrano smoked breast ham and zucchini that you will enjoy even more these autumn days.


  • 6 lasagna sheets
  • 6 pieces of Capistrano smoked breast ham
  • 6 slices of melting cheese
  • 1 handful of grated cheese
  • 3 pumpkins cut into pieces


  • To start preparing lasagna for children we will have to review the instructions on the package of the pasta sheets to cook them as indicated. In my case, I had to boil them for 10 minutes.
  • Once the pasta is boiled, drain it and place one of the sheets on an oven-safe tray. Then, to form the ham lasagna, we place the slices of cheese to melt over the pasta. Here you have several options, you can place two slices of cheese, as I have done to cover the entire sheet, or just one, everything will depend on the size of the pasta.
  • On the cheese, place the Capistrano ham and the squash in squares as in the previous step. In this way, we can put one or two slices of ham, depending on the size of the slices and the sheet.
  • We put a pasta sheet again and repeat the previous steps, until the ham and cheese lasagna is finished with a layer of pasta.
  • Now, sprinkle the grated cheese on the lasagna for children and preheat the oven to 180 ºC, with heat on top. You can use mozzarella, emmental cheese, or whatever you like best. And if you prefer, you can also make a simple béchamel, cover the lasagna with it and then sprinkle the cheese.
  • We bake the ham and cheese lasagna until the cheese gratin and we remove it from the oven.
  • Ready! We serve the lasagna immediately to prevent it from getting cold. As it is a lasagna with so many layers, two people can consume it perfectly.


Take advantage of the cold season and hibernation food to try this delicious lasagna and make this time one of the best!

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