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In The World Food Day, A Mexican Nutritive Meal For Everyone

In the World Food Day, a mexican nutritive meal for everyone

If there’s something that identifies mexicans is the solidarity, and in the World Food Day that is all about. Not only is to help the ones that suffer from hunger, is also to promote a healthy diet.

Because the mexican food is not only snacks, it’s also healthy meals: Some people used to enjoy moments with their beloved ones with healthy food that left them satisfied, besides spending some quality time.

History of the World Food Day

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On october 16th 1945 was created in Quebec, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the goal was to combat hunger and bad nutrition, besides to effectively manage the global food system. But it was until 1979 when it was proclaimed the World Food Day in the annual meeting celebrated in Budapest.

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 Is celebrated each year to commemorate the FAO’s foundation and events are organized in more than 150 countries,  which means is one of the most celebrated days by the ONU. Each year has its own quote: Cultivate, nourish and preserve together.

The World Food Day is, also, to raise awareness

This day is not only to help the needed ones with nutritious food: Also is to make awareness. According to FAO data, there are a total of 672 million adults, 124 are obese and 40 million children, under 5 years, have overweight.

Unfortunately, some people are aware until the worst consequences, a poor diet has turned in the principal cause of death because all the diseases caused by being overweight and obese, such as diabetis, pancreatitis and heart attacks.

And in the contingency was even worse: Some people can exercise at home and have the resources to have a healthy diet at home, but other people don’t and they choose to eat fast & junk food, soda, etc.

Can I commemorate it at home?

Of course: Creating awareness between friends and beloved ones about a healthy diet is making the difference.

You can make a family reunion, with the sanitary measures necessary due to the COVID-19, where only healthy dishes and drinks are allowed.

And what can I prepare ?

In Capistrano we worry about your health and we provide you a recipe, that you can do, with turkey ham:

Turkey ham healthy wrap

Turkey ham healthy wrap Capistrano


  • 8 slices of Capistrano turkey ham
  • 4 nopal tortillas
  • 4 tablespoons of light mayonnaise
  • 1 old-style mustard.
  • 8 lettuce leaves
  • 1 sliced cucumber
  • 1 julienned carrot.

How to prepare:

  • Spread the mayonnaise and the mustard in the tortillas.
  • Place, over each one, 2 lettuce leaves, 2 Capistrano turkey ham slices, a little bit of cucumber and carrot.
  • Close and form a roll, heat in a pan and serve.

Recipe for 4 people.

A recipe easy to prepare.

Recipe from Cocina Vital.


Remember something very important: There’s nothing more important than a good health, and everything in this life is to have a balance, we know very well that there are dishes and drinks that we can’t quit them, specially those that we enjoy and make us remember those moments we had with our family, specially in the reunions.

But, is better if we have a nutritional balance: From time to time eat nutritional dishes. If we have kids, not only we would have good health and the strength to watch them grow, but they also have the health to enjoy a happy childhood. One where they can run, move and not only sitting and with health problems, for example.

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