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January Is Too Cold, Better Stay Warm At Home, With Our Family, Enjoying A Ham Recipe

January is too cold, better stay warm at home, with our family, enjoying a ham recipe

In the beginning of this year is when, in a lot of places in U.S.A, it’s cold.

How is the weather in some places in the United States of America?

In Washington, the lowest is 30.2°F and the highest 39.2, in New York 28.4 °F and 35.6 the highest, most of the places are in those temperatures, only in places like Miami, Florida and Austin, Texas have moderate and high temperatures. In the first place the minimum is 69°F and in the second 53.6.

Get outdoors only when it’s necessary: Better stay at home

Remember that a small cold can get worse so, it’s better to stay at home and spend our time working, or with our family, and there’s no better time that when we eat (meal, breakfast or dinner) to get to know us a little better and spend a nice time.

Prepare some delicious potato croquettes with ham and vegetables

Prepare some delicious potato croquettes with ham and vegetables

The ingredients are the next ones:

  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 200 gms of Capistrano Ideal chopped ham
  • 150 gms of cotija grated cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 1 cup of oil
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • salad to accompany
  • 1 cup of raw green sauce
  • ½ cup of frozen peas

How to prepare:

  • The first thing we have to do is to place the potatoes in a saucepan and cover with water, add salt for 25 minutes until you feel them soft from the center.
  • Just after, retire and take off the shell, we must let it cool a little bit and smash it until we form a pureé, reserve until it becomes completely cold.
  • We mix the potato pureé with the egg, ham, cotija cheese, peans, flour, salt and pepper.
  • Form the little croquettes and fry them in the oil until, for both sides, is cooked.
  • Serve and accompany a salad and green sauce to taste.

Recipe by Cocina Vital MX


In Capistrano we want you to have good health, and you and your family, have delicious and balanced food.



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