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No Matter The Place Where You Are, With The Mexican Gastronomy You’ll Always Feel At Home

No matter the place where you are, with the mexican gastronomy you’ll always feel at home

Nothing better than the mexican gastronomy to feel at home, even if you are too far away from your hometown.

It’s happened to all of us that, far away from Mexico, we taste a meal that makes us remember what we used to eat in our childhood. Enough with a little taste of that to remember what it was like to eat at home: Mother’s, grandmother’s or wife’s seasoning.

Typical dishes of mexican gastronomy

According to La Neta Noticias and its article 5 most popular meals of the mexican cuisine they are: Pozole, mole, chiles en nogada, guacamole and tacos.

Mexican Totopos

However, we consider that is backwards: That the most popular are tacos and guacamole. Specially because in the U.S.A, many enjoy the second listed and, about tacos, many people say that the foreign tacos are delicious, but the mexican are better. *quitaría that.

We know that, although the mexican gastronomy helps you feel like home thanks to that moment when you are enjoying the food, is really hard being away from your beloved ones, especially because you can’t be eating 24/7.

Far away from home because of your job

Many go to another country for a better job opportunity and a better standard of living, others because they’re looking for new challenges and others, of their work itself, make them change their place of residence.

That time, far away from home, we know that you always have Mexico in your heart: As long as you keep in touch with the family remotely, enjoying a delicious meal that the mexican gastronomy has to offer, you feel at home.

Because you went to study overseas

Nothing like travel and visiting other places, much better if you visit while you are studying for a degree, a master, a course or, simply you are in a school exchange.

No matter the weather, the mexican gastronomy has the solution. How about a delicious pozole like the ones you used to enjoy at home while being in a cold place?

Being in another country, you can stop doing some habits, but never stop feeling proud to be mexican.


It’s clear that the mexican gastronomy is the best way to feel at home.

Nobody can last a long time far from their birthplace: Because of your hardwork and big sacrifice that you’ve done, you deserve a moment to rest and pamper yourself.

In Capistrano U.S.A, besides pleasing your palade, we take care of your health and help you make your time at home more pleasant.

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