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On Kid’s Day, Pamper Your Kids With Capistrano Because Today, More Than Never, They Deserve It

On kid’s day, pamper your kids with Capistrano because today, more than never, they deserve it

The kids deserve all the love, the affection and the respect of the world. The childhood is the most beautiful phase in life, that’s why they say that never let, the kid inside us, die because is the one that’s always happy.

Sugiero algo así pero, en vez de happy children’s day, esté el logo de Capistrano y, en la parte de arriba diga, con tipografía de Capistrano, Feliz día del niño te deseamos.

A Little more about why is on April 30th

Unfortunately, lots of kids died on the first World War, enought reason to seek the childs’ protection: it was oficcialy declared on June 1st of 1925 became the International Kids’ Day, then it was changed on November 20th, signalling the beginning of the Kids rights’ statement.

Because that date is the same as the Revolution anniversary, Alvaro Obregón’s government, Mexico’s president that time, decided to change it to April 30rd so it match with the Work’s day and the Anniversary of Puebla. As you can see, the dat is, to remember the kids’ rights: “Health, education and protection.

The children have spent a complicated time

Kids these days have had a very hard time: Is NOT EASY stay at home locked because the current situation. Is a very hard battle the online school because, in a face to face class, you see your classmates, friends and the good will is contagious: if you ask a child that is what they miss most although they maybe play online sometimes, it’s not the same that go outdoors to breath fresh air and play.

How about a delicious dish to pamper them in their day?

Despite the current situation is not over yet, it’s possible do recreative stuff if you do them with caution: Things like going into the park, make a picnic, or a meal with your family.Prepare them a delicious dish to the little ones to pamper them.

This time, we will prepare some delicious croquettes with ham and potatoe.

This time, we will prepare some delicious croquettes with ham and potatoe


  • 100 ml of cream
  • 1 kg of potatoe
  • 150 gms of flour
  • 900 ml of milk
  • 25 ml of olive oil
  • 300 g de Capistrano Excelencia Ham
  • 2L of oil to fry
  • 75 gms of butter

How to prepare:

Melt the butter. Then add the ham and when de flour sweats, we must add all adding the milk and the cream, both boiled,slowly. We must move constantly until we get a velvet and smooth dough.

We must season in case that is needed and place in a refractory and cool in a regrigerator for 12 hours minimum, let’s form the croquetts using th flour, the egg and ground bread to fry them in plenty of hot oil and drain on absorbent paper to eat them hot.

Recipe by:


With these recipe, your kids will be delighted: Don’t forget that in Capistrano we want kids happy and Health. Happy kids’ day.

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