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On This Mother’s Day, Let’s Pamper Ours With Capistrano

On this mother’s day, let’s pamper ours with Capistrano

Mom has always been there for us: Keeping an eye on us for our safety, when we were babies we used to cry in the early morning in the first months and had many late nights and always make sure we lacked nothing, talking about clothes and specially in health; with any symptom she was making an appointment to the doctor. Also recognizing to the mother workers that have to draw their energy to acoomplish the two tasks.

Hug your mom, say every day that you love her as long as you have her with you and this Mothers’ day pamper her.

Why is celebrated on May 10th?

It started at the beginning of the 20th Century when Anna Jarvis started to promote a celebration to recognize the effort of the working mothers of that time looking an improvement of working and healthy conditions. At that time in 1909 a day to celebrate all mothers started to be promoted.

We want them with us many years

We know that we would love to make a big Mother’s Day Celebration to our beloved one and the ones of our family with a huge party, but don’r forget the current healthy situation, althought most of the people over the 50 years old have been vaccined, we must not relax and we must keep taking care of us.

A small reunión, all with masks and don’t forget the antibacterial gel.

Pamper her with a Delicious dish

How about a Delicious potato stuffed with ham, broccoli and cheese to pamper her in her day ?

How about a Delicious potato stuffed with ham, broccoli and cheese to pamper her in her day ?


  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 cup of clean broccoli or in small pieces.
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 slices of Capistrano Ideal Ham
  • 200 gms of cheddar cheese or mozzarella
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil

How to prepare

We have to preheat the oven to 200 grades, then we have to wash the potatoes, dry them, wrap them in aluminium foil and place them in the oven por 1 hour more or less, then we have to cut them in half and withdraw,carefully, the refill, but don’t trash it, reserve it.

Ina a pan, heat one teaspoon of oil and sauté the onion along with the sliced ham, joining it with the potatoe refill and mix them very good. Then, in a pot, place the broccoli in a little of boiling water for a couple of minutes, then dry them and mix them with the ham, the potatoe refill and add salt and pepper to taste.

The next thing is to refill the potatoes’ shells with the mix and cover them with cheese. Take the potatoes back to the oven until the cheese melts and get cooked. Retire them from the oven and let them cold to serve ir.

Recipe by: Guía infantil


In Capistrano we want to wish, to all the moms, a happy day and we want you to be happy and healthy, not only in your day, in all.

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