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Say Goodbye To November With A Delicious Ham Recipe

Say goodbye to november with a delicious ham recipe

November is gone, this month is special because it has several events very important in the United States: The Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Black Friday.

The Veterans’ Day

This is a very important time in the United States because as the people who serve the armed forces are quite respectable, because they risk their life for the country: Some manage to return but others do not and that is a great reason to pay tribute to them.

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

This is a very simbolic tradition in the United States which is celebrated with a dinner with your family that includes a turkey filled with fruits and vegetables, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes. The first dinner that was celebrated several years, turkeys were eaten because they were abundant in the region, only that at that time they were not domestic.

Another tradition is that, because is an official day, in the United States there are 3 football games that day.

After Thanksgiving the Black Friday arrives: Every year there are lots of people in stores taking advantages of the offers and discounts and, even in previous years, stores used to place offers 5 days before Black Friday but, because the current situation, several stores started the offers until Black Friday to avoid crowds.

Say goodbye to the month with a delicious ham recipe

Say goodbye to the month with a delicious ham recipe

Speaking about turkey in Thanksgiving, how about a recipe with Capistrano Turkey Ham?

We will prepare cream spaguetti with ham:


*          350 grams of spaguetti

*          500 ml of acid cream

*          200 grams of Capistrano turkey ham in thick slices

*          ½ cup of chopped parsley

*          2 tablespoon of butter

How to prepare

1.-You have to cook the pasta in a saucepan with boiling water until it becomes “al dente*”. Don’t forget that, to give more flavour to the spaguetti, instead of salt you can add 2 tablespoons of chicken bouillon powdered to the water.

2.- After that, cut the Capistrano turkey ham in 1 cms squares, the ham should have slices of 1 cm thick.

3.- Drain the pasta and reserve. Is not necessary to cut the cooking soaking in cold water.

4.- In the saucepan melt the butter and fry the jam.

5.- Add the spaguetti, mix carefully and add the cream, mix again, low down the fire and sprinkle the chopped parsley. Mix one more time as long as we don’t break the spaguetti and then, retire from the fire.

*Dente: Cooking point

Recipe by cocina muy fácil


This recipe, not only is delicious and light meal, also you can serve it in your Christmas dinner to delight your family and enjoy this beautiful evening accompanied by Capistrano’s flavour.

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