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The Return To Classes Tastes Better With Capistrano

The return to classes tastes better with Capistrano

Although there is still a lot of uncertainty, classes are back and it is not sure if the school year will be finished like this, but what is certain is that with a meal made with Capistrano the students will be full of energy to study and learn.

There is still uncertainty despite vaccines.

 Everything seemed to indicate that, after most people in the United States had already been vaccinated, the return to face-to-face classes was safe and in several states it has already started. However, there have been new infections and it has already caused several schools in Georgia to return to online classes and also caused the mandatory use of face masks to return in some places.

As we already know, because almost everyone in the United States was vaccinated, the use of masks was deemed no longer necessary.

Back to school was necessary.

According to many opinions of all parties involved, both students and teachers and parents. Returning to face-to-face classes is much better than online because of the following points:

Children at home do not pay the same attention, since they have too many distractions and, in addition, it is better to go to school because they can see their friends and school feels less burdensome.

Same case for parents: It is better to send the children to school because not everyone can stay at home to make sure that they are really in the online class and are not doing something else, such as playing video games or wasting time school.

And not to mention the teachers: What they had to experience in online classes, from people who were not paying attention, such as those who complained about this modality when it was not their fault. In addition to preparing the class and, on some occasions, editing the material.

Feed your children well so that they learn a lot with Capistrano

For this occasion, we will prepare delicious salty waffles with Parmesan

For this occasion, we will prepare delicious salty waffles with Parmesan


  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups of milk
  • ⅔ cup of melted butter
  • Grated Parmesan cheese (to taste)
  • Finely chopped parsley (I put enough)
  • Other herbs to taste (rosemary, chives, chives …)
  • 2 1/3 cup of sponge cake flour (I use Blancaflor flour, or flour plus 2 teaspoons of baking powder)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt


  • The first thing to do is separate the egg yolks from the whites and reserve them.
  • In a large bowl, combine the egg yolks, milk, melted butter, herbs, and cheese and mix everything with a whisk.
  • In another bowl, mix the flour with the self-rising agent and salt and gradually incorporate. Then we beat the egg whites until stiff.
  • We add this to the mixture until obtaining a fluid mass suitable for waffles. If necessary, it can be rectified by adding a little milk or flour.

We are going to use this dough to make the waffles in the preheated and greased waffle maker according to their respective instructions.

Recipe of: Petitchef


Do not forget all the necessary measures to return to classes in person since the virus is far from going away. And with Capistrano your little ones will be well fed.

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